Believing in the Gravity of Jesus
Come Join Us on Zoom every Thursday for Our Weekly Service. Bible Teaching. Praying for Your Needs. Every Friday 6.00am – 7.00am Eastern US.
Many verses in the Bible are conditional. You only receive the benefits of what God has for you if you commit to an action and remain steadfast in that action. Psalm 91 is a popular chapter for many, but it too is conditional. Plagues can come near your tent (Ps 91:10), and we can be accessible by evil (Ps 91:8) if we do not dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Ps 91:1).
The first of two programs looking at Luke 16:19-31, regarding the rich man and the destitute Lazarus. On earth Lazarus was at the gate of the rich man, begging for anything that may drop from the man’s table. After both died (in the physical sense), the rich man and Lazarus switched positions. The man was taken to Hades (the place of the dead) by angels, while Lazarus was finally absent his afflictions in Abraham’s bosom. The selfish man was now experiencing worse than what Lazarus experienced begging at the man’s gate. The man saw Lazarus far off across a great chasm between them. That chasm that has been fixed, that separates those who reject salvation and those who are blessed by receiving it by confessing Jesus as their Lord and believing that God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9-10).
When I wake up in the morning and don’t put God first my day feels different. Sometimes before even acknowledging God I check my phone for messages and emails that came in overnight. These are incorrect priorities. I have to focus on putting God first in all things. While the phone network has been monitoring…
The topic continues this week out of 1 John Chapter 2, continuing on from verse 16. People say we shouldn’t judge others. Well, we DO need to judge them based on their fruit according to Matthew 7:16. By their deeds, we will know who is sent and being influenced by the devil Satan, and those sent and being influenced for our good by the Holy Spirit.
There is no doubt to the accuracy and Truth of all verses of the Word of God, including Ephesians chapter 1, verse 19. This scripture speaks of the exceeding greatness of the Lord’s power to us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. His mighty power does not lack, but it is another thing…