Not Frightened of Wars or Rumors of Wars (211) – September 16 2023
We walk through several verses in Matthew 24 as we hear how Jesus describes the End Times.
We walk through several verses in Matthew 24 as we hear how Jesus describes the End Times.
Colossians 1:13 says that The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Ephesians 1:4 tells us that God chose us first before we chose Him.
During these times, reading the fine print can prevent a lot of things from occurring. If your phone is having issues, you go back to read the manual to see where something could have gone wrong. The same thing applies to the lives of believers. Did we read the fine print in the Bible pertaining to our walk in Christ?
We’ve been prayed for by many. We got healed or delivered, then after a while it seems like the condition came back and was worse than before. Did we check the fine print in the Bible? Every agreement, covenant, contract has fine print. Let us find out about what the Bible says about deliverance, healing and salvation, so that our fruit may remain.
Pastor Catrice speaks on the topic this week.
Everyday God’s mercy is made new. During these end times that are so filled with distractions, let us focus on God more than ever! We do not want to miss instructions during this time. Mostly, we do not want to miss Jesus. Stay alert and sober minded. Focus on life in Christ.
Pastor Catrice continues the series this week.
Does the enemy have anything in you, or power over you? Recommit yourself to holiness. Become aware of the strategy of the enemy to gain access through open doors of sin, addiction and uncontrolled moments in your life.
In these times are you a fan of Jesus, wearing the t-shirt, having bought the book and speaking Christian words? Are you following someone else who is following Him? Or are you a disciple of Christ, in right relationship with God and working the harvest? It’s never too late to grow and learn, so that you will not hear, ‘I never knew you’, ‘depart from me’, from the Lord.
God has a plan for each of us during these end times. We cannot just do what everyone else is doing. We must be in right relationship with the Lord every day to know His will for us and be led on the narrow path by His Holy Spirit. If we do what our friends are doing or what is popular, we may not be in the Lord’s will.
The last broadcast we began talking about looking at the end times. In these times we need to know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Know that you are in a spiritual war, discern when the attack is happening. Pastor Catrice teaches by the Holy Spirit this week.
As a believer in Christ are you experiencing confusion, frustration, chaos, fear, anxiety and more in places and people that are suppose to represent good? Are they calling good bad and bad good? Learn to know the truth and the truth will set you free. Pastor Catrice is led by the Holy Spirit to teach on this topic this week.