The Peril of Ignorance
Know your enemy. Just because you don’t see the wind doesn’t mean it doesn’t blow against you. The devil remains cunning, just as he was in the garden against Eve. (Genesis chp 3). It is our choice whether we remain ignorant.
Know your enemy. Just because you don’t see the wind doesn’t mean it doesn’t blow against you. The devil remains cunning, just as he was in the garden against Eve. (Genesis chp 3). It is our choice whether we remain ignorant.
Hell is our default destination because our human ancestors, Adam and Eve, of which we all come from (until we are born-again – see 2 Cor 5:17), chose the devil’s solution in the Garden of Eden, instead of heeding God’s warning and command in the process. As a human race, in our ignorance, we blame…
The common phrase – “In Christ”, mentioned often by many. This being the place and position of the redeemed, restored, reconciled born-again believer in Christ Jesus. But, how do we know if we are the ingrafted, a requirement for being ‘In Christ’, that 2 Corinthians 5:17 speaks of?
This week we speak mainly on the first two verses of Job 22 (Amplified Classic Edition – AMPC) where Eliphaz is answering Job with what he needs to do in response to his discontent.
The second of two programs looking at Luke 16:19-31, regarding the rich man and the destitute Lazarus, the Great Decision of Man as to continue to reject, or now accept God’s free gift of rescue from spiritual death in hell, leading to eternal life in Heaven.
The first of two programs looking at Luke 16:19-31, regarding the rich man and the destitute Lazarus. On earth Lazarus was at the gate of the rich man, begging for anything that may drop from the man’s table. After both died (in the physical sense), the rich man and Lazarus switched positions.
Do you find yourself comparing yourself to a person spoken of the Old Covenant/Testament, or are you fully aware of your identity in Christ that He bought with His blood of the New Covenant? While there are still important principles for us to learn from in the Old Testament, profound blessings such as the ability for a soul to decide to receive Christ Jesus within their own temple, by way of the new birth, must be understood. All comprehension of the Word of God must therefore be seen through the lens of the Cross.
This Easter program we celebrate the tremendous sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, who became the Ransom for Many according to Matthew 20:28 (AMPC), so that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him (John 3:17, AMPC).
You hear it’s the final hour. It’s late at night. Someone earlier in the day talked to you about the bus schedule. You believed in the bus company so you catch the last bus home. Others were not successful in catching the bus and you are anxious for what will happen to them overnight. Every…