Jesus Heals the Brokenhearted – Your Identity In Christ (174) – December 31 2022

Jesus Heals the Brokenhearted – Your Identity In Christ (174) – December 31 2022

We take a different path this week and focus on praying for the brokenhearted among you. This, while remembering who we are in Christ, and who has paid a price for us. That same LORD and Savior deeply cares for you and your heart and wants to heal it. Shall we allow him and open the door of our heart to Him?

A Follower or Only a Fan of Christ? – Your Identity In Christ (172) – December 17 2022

A Follower or Only a Fan of Christ? – Your Identity In Christ (172) – December 17 2022

Catrice begins to explore the distinction between being a fan and a follower of Christ Jesus. The critical importance it is for all believers to examine themselves frequently to ensure they are true followers of Christ, rather than being only a fan of Jesus, spectating from the side with a ‘Christian’ label, falsely believing they are ‘meeting all the requirements’

Identifying the Blockages to a Deeper Relationship with Jesus – Your Identity In Christ (168) – November 19 2022

Identifying the Blockages to a Deeper Relationship with Jesus – Your Identity In Christ (168) – November 19 2022

Since eternal life is defined by John in John 17:3 as the need to know God the Father and His Son Jesus, we identify some of the blockages that can stifle us in walking in a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Keeping the Old from Becoming Resurrected – Your Identity In Christ (167) – November 12 2022

Keeping the Old from Becoming Resurrected – Your Identity In Christ (167) – November 12 2022

One of the key verses for the believer, now a new creation in Christ, is found in 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

How do we keep the old that has passed away from becoming resurrected?