Prepare Ye the Way
When we go before our children, our spiritual children, we break up the ground before them. When we walk in the Word, adhere to, carry out the Word, it prepares their way.
When we go before our children, our spiritual children, we break up the ground before them. When we walk in the Word, adhere to, carry out the Word, it prepares their way.
This Good Friday, searching Google or other mainstream search engines for ‘Easter 2023’ should cause sadness and righteous indignation for true Christians. Such a search returns no images of the Cross, no mentions of Jesus, most certainly nothing about the Blood Christ shed for humanity due to the love of God wanting to offer redemption to His Creation.
Know your enemy. Just because you don’t see the wind doesn’t mean it doesn’t blow against you. The devil remains cunning, just as he was in the garden against Eve. (Genesis chp 3). It is our choice whether we remain ignorant.
Hell is our default destination because our human ancestors, Adam and Eve, of which we all come from (until we are born-again – see 2 Cor 5:17), chose the devil’s solution in the Garden of Eden, instead of heeding God’s warning and command in the process. As a human race, in our ignorance, we blame…
Do we even know who our Daddy is? Is it God or is it Satan? It’s one or the other. Not serving God doesn’t mean you are not serving anyone. If you’re not serving Jesus, you’re serving Satan, who doesn’t want you to find out what he’s doing to you and your loved ones (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Your rescue is still within reach, for now. The Master’s door is still open, for now (Luke 13:23-28). Salvation is still available, for now. The Lord’s hand is stretched out. You have to decide whether to grab a hold or continue gambling your eternal existence while wandering aimlessly wayward.
Are your plans not working out? Make sure they’re not your own.
It is my opinion that when we pray to the Lord for our relationship with Him to go deeper, that nothing is accomplished until we take the first step and seek Him with all of our heart. If we don’t take our first step we can cause ourselves to be apart or be distant to…
If you are in the church going to service on Easter Sunday, be changed.