So you think God is in Control? – Your Identity In Christ (162) – October 8 2022

So you think God is in Control? – Your Identity In Christ (162) – October 8 2022

Many place their need for comfort by resting on the unscriptural phrase ‘God is in Control’. However, this directly opposes the principle of man’s free-will that God never violates. Let us know the Truth and no longer pass on these lies to others in our sheer ignorance.

Who’s Ya Daddy? If Jesus isn’t Your Lord, it’s Satan You’re Serving, And He Doesn’t Want You to Find Out (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Who’s Ya Daddy? If Jesus isn’t Your Lord, it’s Satan You’re Serving, And He Doesn’t Want You to Find Out (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Do we even know who our Daddy is? Is it God or is it Satan? It’s one or the other. Not serving God doesn’t mean you are not serving anyone. If you’re not serving Jesus, you’re serving Satan, who doesn’t want you to find out what he’s doing to you and your loved ones (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Your Rescue from Darkness Still Within Reach Until Your Last Breath or the Master Closes the Door (Whichever Comes First)

Your Rescue from Darkness Still Within Reach Until Your Last Breath or the Master Closes the Door (Whichever Comes First)

Your rescue is still within reach, for now. The Master’s door is still open, for now (Luke 13:23-28). Salvation is still available, for now. The Lord’s hand is stretched out. You have to decide whether to grab a hold or continue gambling your eternal existence while wandering aimlessly wayward.