Text Messages from God
When I wake up in the morning and don’t put God first my day feels different. Sometimes before even acknowledging God I check my phone for messages and emails that came in overnight. These are incorrect priorities. I have to focus on putting God first in all things.
While the phone network has been monitoring my phone overnight God has been monitoring my every heart beat and everything about me. But so much more than that.. He has been loving on me while I sleep while charging his angels to guard me.
Only when we put our Father in Heaven first and seek his righteousness will our life begin to be in order. As we make him Lord over our day and every decision, we allow God to be a part of our lives, without which our days are harder to live through, and our hearts lack the fullness of the joy and peace with which he has so richly blessed us. We need to focus on the fact that God wants us in an intimate relationship with him. Without that we are somewhat lost and are not abiding in him. You may be saved by God’s grace, but it will be a tragedy you will regret if you don’t walk and follow your Lord each day of your life. None of us want to be called lukewarm Christians, Amen?
God has so much planned for you. But he also gave you a free will. You get to choose whether to go to the phone .. Facebook .. Or spend time with your daddy .. who also happens to be God, your Creator.
So like me, next time you think about checking the phone, instead check God first for any new messages. Have a two-way conversation and then let him talk to you and share his love with you while you listen.
Read God’s Word daily. They are his text messages to you!
Jesus said:
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
John 15:4 NASB
You are already blessed.
Pastor Marc