Jesus Did Not Die for Compromise and Easter Eggs

If you are in the church going to service on Resurrection Sunday, be changed.

If you have been going to church and are getting abortions, smoking weed, playing with Ouija boards, burning sage… etc. you need to repent. Make those crooked places straight.

If you are at service only on Resurrection Sunday, God is calling you to stop, listen and turn completely, completely away from sin. No compromise, no doing it because friends are doing it. No more half in and just talking about repenting but not changing.

The body of Christ needs to stop with the Easter eggs and sugar-coated messages. These things are causing the church children to replace the sacrifice of Jesus with candy. It’s time to tell yourself and your family that you are saved. Tell them they are meant to cast out demons. Push back darkness, lay hands on the sick. (Mark 16:17-18)

Don’t compromise, if you are, and say the Great Commission is for someone else. The first sign of a believer is casting out demons in the name of Jesus. Why is this the last thing taught at churches or not at all? If you have demons in your home, rise up and cast them out! Be a driven, consumed, on fire, no compromising Christian. Rise up and take back your home.

If your church is not casting out demons, laying hands on the sick, Jesus deserves better from the Body of Christ.

Be changed, walk in change, repent for not doing these things and find a place that teaches and walks in the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t accept less than what was already paid for. Get trained, educated, take authority.

I speak freedom to you in the name of Jesus.

– Catrice

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