Bruce Almighty movie correct concerning Dominion
Bruce Almighty movie correct concerning Dominion
The Bruce Almighty movie of 2003 surprisingly has it right when it comes to the topic of a believer needing to take responsibility and have dominion over the earth in Christ.
The movie stars Jim Carrey as Bruce Nolan, a TV reporter who complains to God (Morgan Freeman) that he is not doing his job correctly, and is offered the chance to try being God himself for one week.
This movie is worth watching, if you don’t mind the odd slip of bad language. At one point God tells Bruce:
“People want me to do everything for them. But what they don’t realize is *they* have the power. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle.”
There are other lines that are true to the way we often view God:
Bruce: What if I need you? What if I have questions?
God: That’s your problem, Bruce. That’s everybody’s problem. You keep looking up.
I believe it’s worth watching a second time.
We love you Father, We love you Jesus, We love you Holy Spirit.