Touch of God Broadcast – Apr 18 2020 – Your Identity In Christ (33) – The Word Made Flesh Brings Your Body Healing and Health
In this week’s broadcast we focus on the reality of Jesus being the Word made flesh, who in turn brings healing and health to your flesh – your physical body. But have we contemplated this truth so we can receive this healing to our body, or do we continue on in our carnal misunderstanding of God’s will about divine healing, remaining sick along the way? Why do we continue to reject these scriptures and not accept them as the Truth, thereby being in disobedience to Christ? Why disobedience? We should not allow a sickness to remain in our bodies since that sickness was already bore by Christ (Isa 53:4).
Additionally, we do not own our physical bodies: We are not our own, we have been bought with a price by God. (1 Cor 6:19-20). When we accept this, we get healed. Or, when someone lays hands on us, we get healed if they believe by faith, but, we may not remain healed if we continue not to go after this Truth and accept it for ourselves, continuing on in life as a sitting duck allowing the devil and his works to continue unabated without our tongue deciding to use God’s Word against such attacks.
Also it is up to us to decide to understand the nature of God’s character so that we may not only understand who the believer now is in Christ, but also be able to represent God accurately, being a good witness and steward of His Word. That it is critical for us to understand the nature of God without communicating our misunderstanding of God to others, at the risk of leading them even further astray from the Lord.
This program covers the following scriptures from the Amplified version: Proverbs 4:20-22, John 1:14, John 1:1-2 (AMP)