Every Scripture is God-Breathed – Your Identity In Christ (116) – November 20 2021
We continue this week with how God breathed His Own Word, that He wrote the Bible and not man, with man being inspired by God to write what he heard in his heart to write. How it is critical to think like God thinks, not like we used to carnally think. How God does not change our minds, but waits for us to make the decision to give our life to Him, and receive His Son as Savior and Lord, before renewing our spirit so that we become born again, forever a new creation with the old having been buried with Christ (Romans 6:4). We also talk about using God’s Word for good purposes including conviction of sin and correction. This program covers the following scriptures from the Amplified Classic version (AMPC): 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Corinthians 2:16