The Dwelling Place (5) – Your Identity In Christ (89) – May 15 2021
Dwell in Me and I in you. John chapter 15 verse 4 invites us to a relationship with the True Vine and the Vine-dresser. We get to dwell, abide, stay, and so much more in Him. This is more than just a relationship. It’s a place to rest, renew, strengthen, and have shelter. The Lord’s dwelling place invites us to have a home in Him. A place to go and find Him, be in Him, reflect, and have peace. How? By thinking on things above and not below. Jesus is in us when we open the door, and let him in our hearts. When he is knocking on the door to our hearts (Revelation chapter 3 verses 19-20). We are In Christ when we do the will of our Heavenly Father who sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, because God (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) loved us. If this is a place of rest and restoration, I say it’s home. Home is another name for dwelling. Is Jesus your dwelling place?
This program covers the following Scriptures from the Amplified Classic version (AMPC): John 15:1; John 15:4; Revelation 3:19-20; Philippians 4:7-9; John 1:1-4; Proverbs 4:20-22.