Touch of God Broadcast – August 29 2020 – Your Identity In Christ (52) – Job Complained Instead of Speaking to His Storms


We continue this week in Job chapter 22, covering verses 21 to 28. Chapter 22 is Eliphaz’s response to Job. Eliphaz tells Job he needs to acquaint himself with the Lord, to push unrighteousness far away from his tents. Eliphaz also mentions in verse 28 that Job needs to decree so that what he decrees shall be established.

If we are in self-pity and complaining, nothing will get fixed until someone else prays for us. But we cannot lean on others continually, especially once we are growing in Christ and no longer babies having just been born (again). If we realize who we are in Christ and that it is JESUS who told US to speak to the mountain (Mark 11:23) then and only then will we see things change for the better. We just need to make sure we are decreeing God’s Will, and what He would want done. Hence the need to know Him, and to spend time in His Word, and with Him daily.

This program covers the following scriptures from the Amplified Classic version (AMPC): Job 22:21-28.

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