We Don’t Deserve Anything from God

We Don’t Deserve Anything From God!

I have a lot to thank God for. Just one example is what he said (through another believer) to me on a couple of topics when I first received salvation through Jesus in 2009.

“It’s not about you. It’s about you being on the team.”

This is what the Lord spoke to me in 2009. Although it does not sound especially encouraging, I realize that if God does not keep directing my path and my heart then I am not going to effectively accomplish his will in my life, or for others by God using me, while on this earth. In Hebrews 12:6 it says that he disciplines those whom he loves. Don’t we ultimately want to grow and be pleasing to him? To be chastised or to receive direction like this from God is never a bad thing. We should welcome it however much our flesh doesn’t want it.

God had previously shown this other believer, who is a friend, a vision of my hands on fire. It was encouragement and a confirmation to what I had always wanted to do …. Lay hands on the sick for them to recover. God knew my heart better than me. I believe he saw that if he did not warn me to remain humble that if would end up agreeing with the thoughts of the devil … that all the healings I will experience will be because of me. That would then lead to a fall since God humbles those who exalt themselves. See 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6 as examples.

“Always remember that you didn’t create your heart. I did.”

God spoke this to me around the same time. In His amazing and infinite wisdom He warned me early on about this area too. This has always helped make sure that I would remember that the love and healings etc that happen in daily life do not come because of me but because of Jesus.

Indeed Jesus Himself spoke of giving glory to God the Father. See Philippians 2:11.

It really isn’t about me. In fact I deserve nothing but to die in sin without the Grace of God. I deserve no other way than the road to hell and destruction based on the disobedience of our fellow humans Adam and Eve back in the Garden of Eve. See Genesis 3:6.

But God’s tremendous love and Grace that He has for his Creation caused him to send His only begotten Son Jesus. See John 3:16.

And in Christ all believers are born again with a brand new heart. We received the ability to use the authority of the name of Jesus having become joint heirs with Him.

Oh friends we have inherited so much because of the grace of God….and all very much undeserved. We must thank Jesus and God the Father often for all of these precious promises and provisions.

Let’s spend time with our Lord daily, Amen? Let’s do what Jesus told us we should do. See Mark 16….Matthew 28…..Matthew 22:37-40.

It’s the least we can do … To be about our Father’s business.

You are already blessed.

Pastor Marc

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